April 30, 2008

Walk For Autism!

On last Saturday our family along with some friends did a 5k walk for autism! We were able to raise as a team $3,174.00 in only like a week! Isn't that great! All our donations went to Autism Speaks Now to help fund for research about how to cure autism! I think overall they raised over 1.2 million dollars and are still collecting money! I was really glad that I was a part of this, even though it was tough to be there with my kids screaming and it being super hot! I just wanted to thank everyone for coming who came- and thank you for donating those who did that as well! Here's some pics of us, friends, and family that attended.


H Fletcher said...

I am so proud of you for doing this. I wish I could have been there to make Jacob walk too. We love what you are doing for our sons.